English 48A
Journal for M. Fuller
November 1, 2011
Reading Quote:
“She had taken a course of her own, and no man stood in her way. Many of her acts had been unusual, but excited no uproar. Few helped, but none checked her; and the many men, who knew her mind and her life, showed to her confidence as to a brother, gentleness as to a sister” (1646).
Research Quote:
“She [Fuller] was evidently a brilliant and thoughtful conversationalist, much respected for her intellect and learning…” (http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/transcendentalism/authors/fuller/).
Summary of Reading Quote:
Fuller is essentially saying that she believed in something, put her mind to it, and acted upon her beliefs with or without support.

Humanity, however, is far more complex than just gender differences. There are different religions, laws, cultures, societies within these cultures, and so on. The list is endless but in essence, the differences stems from opinions and perspectives. For instance, why did the U.S. wage war on terrorism? What was the reason for the September 11 attacks? Why was the U.S. supporting Israel? The international differences of opinions and perception of each other resulted in losses of innocent lives. These issues would not have occurred if the involved parties were to reach an understanding and agreement of terms such as how Americans themselves have developed their understanding of gender equality.
It is inevitable for everyone to share the same opinions and perceive the world similarly. This means that we need people with Fuller’s courage and commitment to speak out on what is morally right through intellectual reasoning. We do not need people who act upon fits of passion because, “Those who would reform the world must show that they do not speak in the heat of wild impulse” (1649). Our difference of opinions and perceptions is what interferes with humanity’s harmony so the question is: Is peace on earth inevitable?
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